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I did well in school, often knowing how to do complex math problems before the concept had even been introduced to our class. Looking back, I'm sure I was pretty shy, although I didn't realize it then. Unfortunately, self-awareness wasn't something I learned until many years later.爱好和兴趣
Math and Science! Technologies! Technology represents unlimited possibilities, especially in the video game industry. I find working in technology to be a rewarding career that allows me to learn new skills every day and use them to create unique games that transport users to distant worlds.寻找男人类型
Mostly, all the time I spend working that is why I decide to join this web site because i do believe that to know each other is the best way to find out if we have something in common. Looking for a man who can understand me with no words.面试
The Snowman你喜欢什么样的运动?
Red , white你最喜欢的颜色是什么?
Blue , green你有空时喜欢做什么?
Working almost all the time你去过哪些地方?
Berlin , Paris你有昵称吗? 它是什么?
Joe Biden你最喜欢做什么菜?
Yes, i do like cooking