Candy Brides
Truth Bride Sofiya from Poltava
Active Bride Nataliya from Ternopol
Decent Lady Anastasiya from Kiev
Grateful Woman Darya from Bucharest
Kind Woman Mariya from Mariupol
Real Lady Viktoriya from Khmelnitsky
Honest Girl Kristina from Kharkov
Loyal Woman Anna from Nikolaev



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  1.  我同意 服务条款
  • ID: 95867
  • 年龄: 32
  • 出生日期: 游行 19, 1992
  • 十二生肖: Pisces
  • 高度: 5' 4" (165 厘米)
  • 重量: 110 lb (50 公斤)
  • 发色: Brown
  • 眼睛颜色: Aqua
  • 国家: Russia
  • 市: Moscow
  • 宗教: Christianity
  • 婚姻状况:
  • 儿童: 没有
  • 抽烟: No
  • 醇: Never
  • 职业: Director, actress
  • Occupation Freelancer
  • 教育: Higher
  • 英语: 几乎流利
  • 其他外语: 没有知识
  • 寻求合作伙伴: 40 - 60 几岁
  • woman
I don't like and don't want to clean other people's dirt. At the same time, it should be clean around. I do not like lies. I love freedom. I am impulsive, emotional. Once, I was so carried away by telling a story that I forgot that I had a cup in my hands. I waved my hands so that it flew out and crashed. Nobody was hurt, but they laughed for a long time. It is good that it was empty, otherwise I would pour tea over my friends. I am indecisive in places, but if I decide, I won't be stopped. I am always late - not terribly punctual. I have one excuse for this. I am not late, you came too early. For this phrase my friends hate me). That is why, if I agree to meet with my friends, we make an appointment an hour earlier so that I can arrive on time. I am childishly frivolous and easy-going. Borders are killing me.
I like vocals, choreography, household. One thing I can't understand, why no one likes how I sing? I can sing well, I can hear! After all, my hearing, like my singing, is good, what's the matter? Maybe they just envy me? I keep my apartment clean. I turn on the music at full volume and start dancing, and sometimes even re-sing the speakers. Once during the cleaning I got carried away with dancing and broke a flower pot. Added work to myself. But it was very funny, because we fell together with the pot. You should have seen it. It's good that such situations are very rare. I keep my dancing under control while cleaning.
I need a kind, caring, generous and considerate man with a good sense of humor. He knows how to hammer a nail, how to keep housing in order. He can solve problems with his own hands, and not with the help of a plumber. Sometimes, of course, you cannot do everything without a locksmith, but a man should do minor repairs around the house, such as fixing an outlet or nailing a shelf. Who strives for more. He does not set the bar for himself to become a senior manager, after which he can retire on a well-deserved retirement. He is aimed at all-round development, constant movement up the career ladder. But the most important thing is that he would not be a mama's boy and would not have any conflicts with his mother. Mom is sacred. But when she says how to live for a man or without the approval of his mother, he cannot even take a step, this is not normal. The ideal relationship for me is one in which a man is a lover, best friend who shares my passions and supports my thirst for adventure.
  • 什么是你最喜欢的歌曲?
    Eminem - Lose Yourself
  • 你最喜欢的音乐风格是什么?
    I listen to absolutely all directions: rock, hip-hop, alternative and of course pop music.
  • 你最喜欢的书是什么?
    Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk.
  • 你最喜欢的花是什么?
    I like tea roses the most and peonies.
  • 你最喜欢的季节是什么?
    I like summer. This is the time of the sun, vivid impressions, warm nights and bright colors.
  • 你最喜欢的演员/演员?
    Jim Carrey, Nicole Kidman.
  • 你最喜欢的电影是什么?
    Forest Gump, Inception, Fight Club, Pirates of the Caribbean (all parts), films with Nicole Kidman and Jim Carrey.
  • 你喜欢什么类型的电影?
    I prefer different genres of movies.
  • 你喜欢什么样的运动?
    I don't like to watch sport.
  • 你做什么运动?
    At school, I was involved in athletics and volleyball. Now l play table tennis and badminton.
  • 你喜欢玫瑰吗?
    Yes, I do.
  • 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?
    My favorite colours are green and red.
  • 你喜欢什么颜色的衣服?
    I prefer green colour in my clothes.
  • 你喜欢什么样的衣服?
    For me, the most practical and favorite style is casual.
  • 你有空时喜欢做什么?
    I like having fun, relaxing, finding something new for myself.
  • 当你小时候,你有什么职业梦想?
    Oddly enough, but I dreamed to be either a director or a surgeon.
  • 10年来你怎么看待未来的生活?
    I will have five children, my own house, stability with simple everyday joys.
  • 在你的生活中想要改变什么是使它更好?
    To meet my true love.
  • 你最幸福的记忆是什么?
    Baby rattle over the bed and background symphonic music.
  • 你去过哪些地方?
    I have been to France, Great Britain, namely London, Egypt and Turkey.
  • 你想访问哪些国家?
    I want to visit three places: The first is the Himalayas, the second is the Far East of Russia and the third is the Tibetan temple.
  • 你有昵称吗? 它是什么?
    Yes, it is Fierce.
  • 你最喜欢什么菜?
    I like homestyle cuisine.
  • 你相信好运吗?
    More to say, I believe in failure as much as I believe in luck.
  • 你有什么样的护身符给你带来好运吗?
    Yes, it is my tattoo.
  • 你想和哪个着名的人沟通?
    I would like to communicate with Marilyn Monroe.
  • 你喜欢闲暇时间,积极还是静静地度过?
    Both actively and quietly, it all depends on how I feel.
  • 你想改变什么特质(如果有的话)?
    The worst I think is hot temper and aggressiveness, and I also attribute my unpredictability to the bad traits.
  • 你总是带着五件事吗?
    I always carry my phone, keys, cream, water and passport with me.
  • 什么或谁影响你的生活最多?
    Well, definitely people, as well as movies.
  • 你最喜欢的引文或格言是什么?
    Make a mess, we're passing through here.
  • 你的生活座右铭是什么?
    Never give up!
  • 你童年最聪明的记忆是什么?
    Children's games and dreams.
  • 你最喜欢做什么菜?
    I love to cook pizza.
  • 命名一件事,你永远不会拒绝。
    I would never refuse to get some sleep!
  • 你喜欢做饭吗?
    Yes, of course.
  • 你想要孩子吗?
    Yes, I do.
  • 你喜欢去夜总会吗?
    No, I don't really like nightclubs, this is not for me.
  • 你是家庭型吗?
    Rather no, even yes. I can only sit at home a few days a week.
  • 你喜欢住在一个繁忙的城市还是一个安静的地方(如乡村)?
    I prefer to change places, village - city.
  • 愿意搬迁到另一个国家吗?
    Yes, but it depends on which country.
  • 你想搬到一个热带的国家,比如亚洲国家吗?
    No, I can live there maximum for a year.